An illustration of a paint palette, representing Whiddon's art therapy program. Creative Ageing

A Whiddon carer with a resident doing some gardening as part of a Whiddon creative ageing program.

Creative Ageing is an essential part of our approach to care at Whiddon because of the strong connections between the arts and good health, and the lifelong benefits that creative therapies and programs offer.

We use humour, art, music, song and dance, cooking, storytelling and pet therapy to bring enjoyment and improve the health and wellbeing of our clients and residents.

Our Creative Ageing programs include a wide range of activities and therapies. Some are aimed at everyone’s enjoyment – gardening programs, arts and crafts, singing and choirs, games, music, hen keeping and animal therapy – and others are structured therapy programs to support people with dementia.

  • What is Creative Ageing?
  • What are the benefits of Creative Ageing?
  • About Whiddon and Creative Ageing
A resident painting as part of Whiddon's award-winning creative ageing program.
A resident enjoying some bonding with a hen as part of Whiddon's creative ageing program, HenPower.
A group of residents enjoying cooking together at The Cooking Club, a creative cooking program developed by Whiddon.
A dog cosying up next to a resident on the couch as part of Whiddon's pet therapy program.