Healthy ageing

Healthy Ageing provides information, resources and practical suggestions on how you can improve your wellbeing. From using creative ageing techniques and the benefits of art and pet therapy, to improving memory and falls prevention – we’ve got you covered.

April 20 2017 Healthy ageing

Art and painting plays a huge and very important role for 74 year old budding artist, Neil, but it hasn’t always been that way. Find out how art therapy helps Neil…

March 01 2017 Healthy ageing

Getting involved in creative activity is a highly effective way of tackling social isolation and loneliness, reducing anxiety and depression and improving cognition.

February 09 2017 Healthy ageing

Karn Nelson, Director of Research at The Whiddon Group takes us through insights and steps you can take to build confidence, improve social skills and support memory for people with cognitive decline.